The Smart Choice for Scaling Your TA Team

Advice from experts · 7/10/2024 · 1 min read

The Smart Choice for Scaling Your TA Team

At RocketPower, we typically work with US and EMEA-based venture-backed technology startups. These typically range from Seed to Series C and, by the very nature of their business, have huge variability and demand on their hiring needs.

Many of our clients choose to use our Recruiters on Demand solution. RocketPower can quickly build out or bolster your existing TA team when demand increases.

Why use RocketPower though? Why not do it yourself? You can just hire some contract recruiters to help with this increased demand, right?

Great question - and one which this blog will answer for you.

The Internal Talent Acquisition Team Conundrum

Over the last few years, internal TA teams have increasingly grown in popularity and size. Often this is driven by the need to reduce costs via external recruitment spend. However, there are challenges when you bring everything ‘in house,’ and companies may be missing out on invaluable resources by reducing external support.

A well-managed TA team can greatly increase your quality of hire. However, these teams are not ‘infinite resources’ and must grow (or contract) to meet the requirements of the business. When demand increases without additional support, there can be a rush to fill jobs. With the strain on keeping time to hire down, more often than not, quality suffers. What companies don’t necessarily account for is the cost of these ‘bad’ hires.

Learning from the Recent Past

The last few years in Talent Acquisition have been like a rollercoaster. In peak 2021/2, TA teams were growing fast, and companies were struggling to keep up with hiring demand. Then just 12 months later, global economies had changed, demand slowed, and as we all know, redundancies swept across the market, and TA teams, along with others, were heavily impacted.

This is possibly the biggest cost to any business. Having ramped up hiring and scaled TA teams significantly (many, in fact, over-hired), companies were faced with the difficult task of reducing these teams when demand slowed. Making individual employees or teams redundant because of reduced hiring needs can be devastating for everyone involved. If only there was another way…

What is a Contract Recruiter?

Starting with the basics, a contract recruiter is a professional who is hired on a temporary basis to help a company fill its open positions. They typically work for a fixed period, such as a few months or until specific hiring goals are met, rather than being a permanent part of the company’s staff.

What Makes RocketPower’s ‘Recruiters on Demand’ Different?

Our recruiters are not just temps or contractors. They are full-time employees of RocketPower. They have access to all of the employee perks and benefits we offer. Additionally, they receive continuous training, career guidance, development, and job security beyond the ‘next projects.’ This means they are invested in RocketPower and, in turn, our clients’ projects.

It’s well known that happy employees are more motivated to do their best work. Clients that support their TA team via RocketPower hire individuals that are trusted by our leadership team to drive impact and deliver results.

That’s Great, But What Do I Actually Get?

Leadership & Network. You’re not just getting an individual.

All hires come with a RocketPower management team to support the engagement and alleviate time by helping manage the resource(s). By default, you will also get access to the wider network and talent available within our business. For example, you may hire two recruiters on a 6-month contract - those individuals will likely tap into the wider resources available at RocketPower to help deliver on their results.

Clients also have access to our proprietary Performance Management tool and reporting software, EZ Analytics, offering real-time reporting on progress.


Our solutions are 100% flexible. Every client is different, and we recognize that with our bespoke options. With no minimum duration, we can supply Sourcers, Recruiters, Coordinators, and fractional operations support. We aim to help craft a solution that fits your unique needs.

Sourcing Specialists

Over 75% of our candidates come from passive sourcing. We are built to attract quality talent. When vacancy numbers increase, TA teams often struggle to pipeline future talent, meaning there will continue to be a lag in hiring. With additional sourcers, clients can manage this flux in requirements, ensuring you are still engaging passive talent.

We may be remote first, but we still have team members based across six continents! This means we can also supply individuals who understand the local nuances of the market you are recruiting for. Essential for a successful TA strategy.


Our team members have an average of 8+ years of experience in their areas of specialization. This means RocketPower Sourcers and Recruiters have active talent networks across Engineering, GTM, and G&A. You’re not just hiring the individual; you’re tapping into years of experience and knowledge within that space.

In addition to their experience, our consultants have access to multiple market intelligence tools. This enables them to further advise and guide our clients on the following:

  • Labor Market Data: Where to hire or target sourcing efforts if it’s fully remote.

  • Data-Driven Compensation Strategies: Access salary reports and information for benchmarking against specific jobs or functions.

  • Time to Fill: Identify hiring difficulty and typically how long it can take to fill roles.

  • DEI Reports: Diversity analysis for talent available within specific roles.

Our Consultants Come ‘Tooled Up!’

We arm our team with ALL the tools needed to support our clients’ recruiting efforts. If you hire a contract recruiter directly, they will typically use your resources. Our Recruiters on Demand come with access to the latest recruiting technology, enabling them to work smarter.

These include AI notetaking and diary management for interviews and sourcing products like LinkedIn Recruiter and HireEZ.

We constantly review the tools and software our team has access to. With rapid advancements in AI, we enable them to source and screen the best candidates for our clients.

Sounds Great, But Is It Expensive?

We’ve already touched on the cost of reducing your permanent workforce. With our RoD solution, you can reduce the team as and when you need to.

Also, we are a remote-first team - for the US market, we can offer nearshore solutions with substantial savings. Typical rates for nearshore RoD Recruiters, Sourcers, and Coordinators are 60% of the cost of US resources. For EMEA, we can leverage local talent in our team to navigate the intricate labor market associated with these regions, saving you time and money!

When you consider a LinkedIn Recruiter license can cost in excess of $8,000 (when you sign up for a year!) per seat, the tooling that our team comes with can be in excess of $30,000/year per seat. So no, we’re not expensive!

Would Recruiters on Demand Work for You?

  • Looking to build out your own TA function but need support in getting this started?

  • Desire to increase the top-of-funnel activity with relevant candidates through additional Sourcers, working with your existing team?

  • Recently received investment and are building the team in a new geography (US/EMEA), and your TA team doesn’t have a network there?

  • Need to hire within your C-Suite and require expertise to support your existing TA function?

  • You’re in hyper-growth and need support now!

Whatever the reason you need support, RocketPower can help you with bespoke, sustainable solutions that deliver results.

You can contact us here or reach out to me personally for more information.